Upcoming Events- Summer 2012
Posted by admin on Aug 3, 2012 in slider | 0 comments
Nourish Yourself from the Inside Out !: Mindful Eating and Yoga for Body Acceptance
Join us for a workshop with Erica and Katy DeJong
Saturday 8/11/12
1-4pm at Pearl Street Yoga
$55 before 7/11/12
$60 (includes materials and practice food)
June 2012
Dear Mindful Living Friends,
Summer is upon us and I’m so excited to be collaborating with some inspiring talented yogi colleagues for workshops this summer !
To kick it off, please Join me and Andrea Briggs this Friday for a Free Summer Solstice Yoga class in Platte Park, compliments of Pearl Street Yoga. See details below, and mark your calendar 6/22/12 5:30 pm. Or visit www.pearlstreetyoga.com
There’s also details below in our newsletter for August workshops I’ll be offering with yoga teachers Katy DeJong and Dr. Ann Bortz.
Best and Warmest Wishes,